Wednesday, March 21, 2007

First post...11 days until leaving!

Well we are very excited/nervous how fast the date is approaching. After over a year of anticipation, planning leaving jobs the date is almost here.

We are leaving April 1st at 9:30 pm from LAX airport. From there we will be heading to Auckland, New Zealand arriving at 5:30 am April 3rd! We will have a 1 hr lay over then another flight from Auckland to Christchurch arriving at 8am. From there we will figure out where our hostel (Point Break Backpackers Hostel) is from our airport. They say 12 min, but who knows how long it will really take. We are both getting very anxious and I (Matt) has so much work before we leave that he shouldn't even spend time doing this right expect a few more right before we leave!

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